As you all know from my previous blog post. I have undertaken a "Photo A Day" / 365 Project which I am about 21 days into now. It's been a pretty cool experience. So far I haven't had too much trouble keeping up with the daily photos. Actually I have always found something to shoot and put up. I've only had issues getting delayed posting the photos the same day, but that was mostly do to being sick for a few days.
I'm sure we've all heard the analogy "Practice Makes Perfect!" isn't that what one of these 365 Projects is? I tend to believe it. I'm starting to notice it since I've been taking photos every day. I'm starting to really really like my 5d... much more than before. Before I would look at the photos and think some were super good, but a lot weren't. Nowadays it's been a lot of good ones. I'm also getting a lot better at self editing and can usually pick the keepers and delete the creepers right away. Not only that though, probably the most significant thing I've noticed about my photography is I'm starting to develop a certain style, a certain eye for my way of taking photos. It's pretty cool and really amazing when you can start feeling the changes happening.
So if any of you are thinking about starting a Photo-A-Day / 365 project or something similar... go for it! Just don't over complicate it with crazy rules or guidelines you are going to have a lot of trouble following. I'm happy I made mine very loose ended, it's made me more creative and I'll push myself for more unique photos every day. Unfortunately it seems a lot of my photography friends have given me similar responses to my starting a 365. They have all said something along the lines of "That takes a lot of discipline", "You won't make it", "You'll have trouble past day's 60-70" So I understand if your afraid to start a project like this. It can be very intimidating. If you decide to start one though, let me know on here. I'll support you, I'll give you advice and most of all I'll enjoy watching your photos while you grow as a photographer.
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