Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

The Clover
Madison's little hand holding a pretty big clover.

Hey there everybody I wanted to wish you all a Happy St. Patrick's Day.

(as a special treat this whole blog post will be written in Green text)

I wanted to share with you a few photos I took today with my little girl Madison.  The weather has been great in Southern California this week (in the low 80's and t-shirt weather at night)  we went outside today in our front yard, which happens to be covered with a lot of clovers.  I'm not really sure what it is about our house, but since I was a child, this place has always had a lot of these clovers growing in the shady areas.  It's pretty neat!

St. Patrick's Day
Madison posing for one of the portraits (definitely didn't come out the way I wanted :) )

I guess you could say I am re-living a little bit of my childhood, because I remember going out there when I was around her age and picking through the clovers looking for that magical "Four Leaf Clover"  which I never found.  It did keep me plenty occupied though.

I took out the lighting gear and did a special photo (or two... three...) for St. Patrick's Day.  Enjoy!

St. Patrick's Day
This is a little more of what I had in mind.  Gotta love children's expressions.

Cool up close shot I did of the clover.  I have a knack for doing textured lighting like this. 

Cool up close shot I did of the clover.  I have a knack for doing textured lighting like this. 

As a side note, I used Aperture 3 to edit these.  After upgrading my system to 64-bit and the new update to Aperture 3.0.1 it seems to be performing a lot better with most edits being almost instantaneous with 22MP raw files.  Pretty impressive I think.  I'm starting to enjoy using it more and more, I'll probably end up purchasing the upgrade version after my trial is up.  (Yes I do own Aperture 2, although I use Lightroom 2 for everything)  

More on this next time possibly and 1080p 24p video recording with 5d Mark 2 2.0.3 firmware. 

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